Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Phew, it has been a while since I last updated something on the net. Like I said previously this is due to my exams buy... Now they ended, I finished the last one just a few hours ago (Psychology). Therefore I will be a lot more active than I have been.

To my surprise when I got home I had "Apollo - the Wind, the Spirit and the God" by Karl Kerényi waiting for me! I can't wait to read it, but right now I am reading "Asclepius: a collection and interpretation of the testimonies" by the Edelstein's so it will have to wait. I have been working on the Asclepius page for Neokoroi but now it will proceed much quicker and I expect to have it finished by the end of the week.

Meanwhile, since last saturday was the 7th of the 7th month of the 7th year of the 2nd ( :( ) millenia, I did a little something for Apollo and also wrote the article I promised about the Homeric Hymn number 21, which you can now see at the Neokoroi page at

I also watched the ellection of the new 7 wonders (hosted in my own country, close to my College and my apartment, but I wasn't at Lisbon that day, so I didn't even bothered to try and buy a ticket) and I must say I was not happy that the Acropolis did not win. Anyway, it was good for us if that meant that it would receive less turists (it would be much easier to preserve it and the cluster of turists sure reduces the sense of mysticism) but I doubt that will happen...

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