Saturday, June 16, 2007

Asklepios Ascends

And now the hymn to Asklepios for that same thanksgiving. (I have also made and hymn to Aphrodite and Hermes for the same ritual, but this is no place for them, you can read them inmy livejournal, Writing Temple).

There is a God, who once was less,
But still he would relief our pains,
Still he would teach us and aid us,
And even still he could break death.

Dazzling was his father,
But he was a splendorous man,
A wise, bright and selfless man.
But alas, Ananke must never be broken,
And death is not to be reversed:
Slowed down, fooled, stoped,
Never reversed.

And a powerful thunder,
A great bean of divine energy,
Came down from the skies…
Oh, why haven’t you foreseen this?
You, father who cried tears of amber,
Who can foresee all there is to come,
And who knows all there is and was…
And we lost a great man.

But Zeus is not blind to our prayers
And the same energy that destroys
Can also create and bestow eternity.
And so it was that Asklepios,
Great helper and reliever,
Became a God, a much loved God.

To you I sing this hymn;
I thank your for your blessings
And ask that you continue to watch over me,
And stay by my side, close to me,
With your perfumed haired daughter.

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